How to Discover God's Promises for YOU

I recently had a mini-crisis. Well, actually, it felt like a mega-crisis. And probably not a single soul around me even knew or noticed.

But secretly, I was dissolving. Questioning my very purpose for existence.

You see, I was 30 before I discovered what I was put on this earth to do, beyond having a family (which had been my dream since I was a little girl—and bringing glory to God, a given). At the ripe, seemingly far-past-the-point-I-should-have-this-figured-out age of 30, I discovered, or more rightly re-discovered, my love for words and stringing them together to form thoughts that just might resonate and connect with people.

I fell in love. With words. And ideas. And the thrill of finding just the right one at just the right time. I’m a nerd, I know.

And then, at the end of last year, I was overwhelmed by an all too familiar soundtrack. Just a whisper at first, and then screaming so loudly that I couldn’t drown it out, “Who do you think you are? You’re not a writer. You should just give up and go work at Starbucks.” Starbucks is always my fall back plan. Coffee. Need I say more?

But even as I tried to shove the words away, distance myself from writing, I found myself collecting thoughts like beautiful seashells on a glorious beach vacation and stashing them away in Evernote. Each time I did it, I thought, “Well, that will never see the light of day.” And I wondered why on earth I couldn’t stop doing it. It was a little like saying you’re just going to eat one Cheeto puff. And then suddenly, you’re sitting on the couch with an empty bag, no small amount of shame, and neon orange fingers.

It was at this point that I started crying out to God. I needed to know what he said about my future. Not in general terms. But very specific ones. Should I pack this all away? Give it up? Find something else to do with my life?

And that’s when it happened.

I listened to a podcast, and they were talking so easily, almost flippantly, about the promises of God for their (our) lives. And I remember thinking, “Well, that’s great for you. You keep talking about the promises of God like you actually know which ones are yours.”

I was half cynical and half jealous.

Have you ever felt this way? People talking about the “promises of God,” and you scratching your head, wondering what exactly that even means? Because I certainly don’t ever want to be witlessly claiming promises that God never meant for me. I don’t adhere to the name it, claim it philosophy. I want what God wants for me, not trying to force the God of the universe to give me what I want. But what about when you don’t even know what God’s promises for you are? Beyond some vague generalities.


A future.

I get ya. I was right there with you.

Frustrated. Broken. Confused. And on the verge of giving up.

So I went to the only person I knew could give me some clarity. Jesus. Desperately, I laid my heart bare, dumping all of my self-doubt, fear, and questions at his feet. And I asked him to give me a promise to cling to that would help me see through the purposeless fog that had descended on my life.

I’m not going to lie. I only half-way expected an answer.

Sometimes specific promises from God seem like something for someone else. The favored ones. So even as I prayed the prayer, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Or what I even had the right to expect.

Not immediately, but a few weeks later, something incredible happened. I was sitting in church and our guest speaker was preaching from a passage that I’ve heard a hundred times. I actually consider it one of my favorite verses, and one phrase jumped out at me. It was as if it was leaping off the page into my heart. That phrase was FOR ME. And I instinctively knew it.

Then a few days later I was reading a Bible plan on my YouVersion Bible app, and two more verses jumped off the screen at me. It was undeniable. Those words were meant for me—in this moment, in this season. I’ve been praying these verses over my life ever since. Expecting God to keep his promises. To me.

So what does all this mean for you? For your situation? Maybe you’re desperate to know what God has to say about your life today. What his promises are for this dark season you find yourself in. You need specifics. Maybe you’re like me and you’ve thought God’s promises were for the special ones. Certainly not for you.

A few months ago, I might have agreed with you (about me, not you).

But now I’m convinced that at any moment, and in every situation, God has something unique and important to say to each and every one of us. The only limitation is our ability to hear and recognize his voice.

So how do you discover God’s promises for you?
1. Ask Him to show you.
2. Put yourself in a position to hear His voice (read your Bible, listen to podcasts, sermons etc.)
3. When He speaks, take action. Pray His words over your life.

This all seems so neat and tidy in a thousand words or less. I know it's a lot messier and more difficult than these few words can adequately express, but you can trust the Promise-Maker. Don’t get impatient. He is faithful!