Why You Never Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

People, I have lived 35 years on this earth. I have a husband, two children, and up until last week, thought I was a grown-up.

That is until I took Michael Hyatt’s free webinar on goal-setting: “7 Steps for Taking Control of 2017,” and realized I was missing a key ingredient in adulting—focus.

You might have figured this out long ago (hooray for you, if so), but sometimes I’m slower than molasses in December (I was 30 before I figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up!).

Like everybody with a pulse, I have dreams, I have goals, I have desires. But I had no plan to achieve them.

“7 Steps…” was my wake-up call that I could spend a lifetime spinning my wheels, making the same resolutions and dreaming the same dreams, without ever seeing a single one come true.


I don’t want that. And you probably don’t either. One of the great things about being an adult is the ability to take charge and steer your own course (hopefully with God directing you). With the New Year peeking around the corner you’re probably already thinking about making your New Year’s resolutions (lose weight, find a job you love, etc.). Maybe you make the same ones every year. I know I sure do! But this year is going to be different (for both of us). Thanks to the webinar, I’ve already made steps toward the goals I wrote down for 2017, and it’s still 2016 (that has never happened before)!! Things are already looking up for 2017.

For me, Michael’s plan was transformational. It wasn’t rocket science, but it was practical and easy to follow (btw, the reason you don't achieve your New Year's resolutions is because you don't write them down--that's just one of the great goal-setting nuggets he shares).

So, if you’re ready to tackle the New Year like an NFL linebacker armed with a plan to actually accomplish the things that are most important to you, check out Michael’s podcast to help you set your goals (not resolutions) for 2017, and then crush them! I know you can! We’ll be in it together. I can’t wait for 2017! Best of all, it’s completely FREE (I know what a relief that is this time of year)!

Unfortunately, Michael Hyatt is not offering the webinar anymore this year, but the basic info for goal-setting can be found in this podcast. Check it out and then let me know what you think. I’m sure you’ll be as excited as I am for 2017 when you sit down and write out a plan.

~Gut-Check and Action Steps~

  1. Comment and tell me your top goal for 2017.

  2. Make a list (actually write it down!) of 7-10 goals for 2017, and then pick 2 or 3 to focus on first.