Welcome to the 21-Day Prayer Challenge

It only takes 21 days to start a habit! If you’ve struggled to create a consistent, fulfilling prayer life—all of that is about to change. You might think, I’m just bad at prayer, nothing will ever change or this is always going to be a struggle.

But that’s not true! You can have a powerful and effective prayer life!

Over the course of this free challenge we’ll uncover and work through sneaky hang-ups that keep us from talking with God and discover helpful ways to overcome them. In 15 minutes or less each day!

With 21 days of prompts, exercises and tips, you’ll be praying before the challenge is up!

If you’re ready to connect with God in a new way, join me for this challenge. Just drop your email address below and check your inbox for more information.

I’m so excited to have you here! This is going to be amazing!